I’m not usually a commercially motivated person when it comes to ‘Valentine’s Day’ but I do like any excuse (reminder) to share with my loved ones how I feel about them, so I whipped up an illustration this morning to do just that. I thought perhaps you might like to use it too? I have created one that says ‘Valentine’s day’ and one with a plain heart that can be used anytime at all.
You might like to share with the kids for them to have a go at writing/drawing their thoughts about someone special? After all, everyone loves to feel loved.
You can download the PDF of the VALENTINE’s DAY CARD HERE , as well as a plain HEART CARD HERE for your personal use.
They are both set to A4, but you can print it at any size then simply fold in half. (you can trim the top and bottom to make it a square too)
Staying creative,
Nicky x
*Sorry, but I have to include this disclaimer….
Permission is granted to print and use for personal use only. Copyright of image remains with illustrator (me)