I am a huge believer of sharing kind words. I also enjoy it when people take the time to send nice things to me too. The other day I received a lovely message from a mum who had bought my books for her child. Her child gets them out every now and again because they ‘help him sometimes’. His mum is so grateful and appreciative of my books, giving her hands on strategies dealing with worry thoughts.
This little message on my Happy Hero Facebook Page made my day, re-energised me and lifted me into a real positive head space. I felt like I could handle anything that day.
I am always painting, drawing creating my favourite quotes, positive messages and words and I decided to post some of my favourite ones. Share them, Pin them, send this blog post link to a friend who could do with a lift….
What is your favourite quote, saying or positive message?
Leave it in the comments below and I will create some artwork and post them in another blog post!
x Nicky