What an honour it was to finally team up with dear friend and talented author Coral Vass to work on this special book Jørn’s Magnificent Imagination.
This book is a true story about the architect who designed one of the most recognised buildings in the world – the Sydney Opera House.
It shares young Jørn’s amazing creative journey to become an ingenious architect by using his imagination and inspiration.
It reminds us to never lose our passion, creativity and to keep an open mind growing up.
The First Ideas
When I first received the manuscript, I spent a lot of time sketching random ideas and thoughts. I also considered what mediums could bring this book to life. I took rubbings from nature and used a variety of sketching styles to represent Jørn’s own style.

Experimental Process
Due to the importance of showcasing an inspirational architect, I needed to make sure that this book had the feel of Jørn’s sketching style, his visual ideas that he collected from around the world. It was at this point I decided to limit my colour palette, work on kraft brown paper and learn and experiment with dry point etching.

Roughs to Finals

Cover Development
In the creation of any book there is a collaborative team who help with the final design of the cover. I was blessed to have worked with a brilliant designer who was able to pull together all of my ideas to bring a finished cover that we see today.

Written by Coral Vass, illustrated by Nicky Johnston, published by EK Books.
Jørn’s Magnificent Imagination is available NOW!
*HINT – in order to have the O in Jørn’s name typed with the line through it, you use ALT0248 instead of typing O

Staying creative,
Nicky x